Finding Balance by Breanna Bolliger

 “Life is so busy; I never have time for myself and I never really take a sufficient break”. As students, we can relate to this common thought that consistently runs through our brains on a daily basis. But the truth is, no matter how busy life gets there is always time to do what we love! The real problem comes down to our ability to take a step back and recognize that a break is needed in our everyday lives. 

Of course, online school has been in full swing for a while but some of us may still have some difficulties time managing as well as getting used to this online environment. Everyday, may seem a lot busier for a variety of reasons. Maybe we are taking more time to complete a task because we don’t have an organized schedule in place. Or maybe, all the screen fatigue has been taking a really huge toll on our mental health! 

Based off of my personal experiences of completing university studies online, these are some daily struggles that I have dealt with. However, these tough moments I have endured over the course of this school year has enabled me to learn how meaningful it is to take a break. Taking a break simply helped me realize less anxiety and stressful feelings. 

For some of us it may be difficult to seek out “balance” in their schedules. But let me tell you, 

Finding balance is all about finding your inner passion. For me finding my balance was all about finding a few hobbies or an activity that made me feel more energized and motivated to carry on with my day! 

Learning how to play an instrument 

One activity that truly relieved my stress was playing the ukulele. I picked up the ukulele for the first time after I watched a music video of a female playing the ukulele in Hawaii. The beautiful scenic landscapes and sound of the ukulele give me the opportunity to feel more relaxed and meditate. Once I started playing, I not only felt relaxed, but it became an outlet for me to learn new songs and get together and play with others such as with my twin sister! Then as days and months progressed, I started incorporating daily ukulele sessions into my schedule, which helped me focus more on schoolwork and more motivated to complete daily tasks as I less fatigued looking at a computer screen. 

For many of you who don’t have much of a musical background and feel that learning how to play an instrument is too difficult, I suggest you start learning how to play the ukulele. It is actually much easier to learn then you think. All you really need is a ukulele, and the motivation to play as there are so many amazing resources online from YouTube tutorials to one-on-one sessions that can help you reach your fullest potential. You will be playing like a pro in no time! 

Perhaps there are so many other ways you can create a balanced lifestyle! Just taking time for yourself by painting or going on a zoom call with a friend are just some of the simple ways that most importantly can help you maintain better mental health! 

Take care everyone! 


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