Effective Goal Setting for 2021 by Ashley Bolliger

 Now that we are close to the end of the first month of 2021, I was hoping you could ponder about the following questions:

1) Have you made any lifestyle changes? 

2) Have you started to meet your New Year’s resolutions? 

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you have set a reasonable and attainable goal for yourself this year and you are off to a great start! But, if you have answered no to these questions, it is totally okay. This happens to many of us. We often set goals that may require more time and effort for us to achieve. Or on the other hand the goal we have set for ourselves may just need to be re-evaluated to fit our lifestyle needs! 

Of course, everyone is always so excited once new year comes around. It’s a new year everyone creates a new years’ resolution thinking that they are going to totally transform their lifestyle. But, what ends of happening is that many cannot follow through with their plans and some may even give up! What’s truly important about creating “perfect new years resolution” is understanding how to effectively set goals for ourselves. 

Goal setting is all about feeling motivated about wanting to improve a small aspect of your life. 

Maybe you want to start going outside more often or want to try cooking more healthier foods. Whatever the lifestyle change may be, just know that the key to achieving these types of goals is taking small, progressive steps. Yes, it does require a lot of effort, patience and it definitely does not happen overnight, but, once you finally reached your goal, you will feel so proud and accomplished. 

How to track your Goals? 

Personally, I have enjoy goal-setting and over the last couple of years, being involved in such a busy lifestyle has enabled me to write my goals down. There is just so many things to remember! The convenient thing is that there are so many ways to goal-set. There are inspirational notebooks or calendars, that help you organize and track your progression of your daily goals. Or if you like to keep things a little more simple, I just right my goals down on a sticky note and post it on a bulletin board nearby. This way, I will never forget my daily goals and it prompts me to take a break from my daily life (school work) and take some time to accomplish my goal. 

What happens when you don’t reach your goals? 

Again, when the new year comes around, a lot of new year’s resolutions are known for being fads and something that will just die out by the end of the first month of every year! The truth is, a goal never fades if someone tries to attain their a little bit each day. Personally, I don’t believe in there to ever be a time when we cannot reach a goal. This is because of the goal really means something to us, then we would do anything to try and attain our goals. I can agree, there are those times in our life when we may feel discouraged and want to give on what truly matters to us. The key to goalsetting is perseverance and an optimistic mindset! 

I hope all of you learn from my post! I hope you get the chance this year to reach a few of your own goals! Happy 2021 everyone! ☺ 


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