Explanatory and Attributional Styles by Min Khian Tan
Introduction: What do we know? Psychologists have found that a maladaptive explanatory (or attributional) style is an important factor that predicts learned helplessness . So, what do these words mean? Let’s break these terms down bit-by-bit: Maladaptive Explanatory Style The term “maladaptive” essentially means “bad”. Think about it: anything that allows us to adapt to our environment (adaptive) is considered good because it ensures survival. On the contrary, things that lead us to “not-adapt” (maladapt) would be perceived as bad. Explanatory style is the way which someone explains to themselves WHY a situation happens to them. here are three dimensions of explanatory style, including: stable/unstable global/specific internal/external To better explain each of these dimensions, we’ll describe them in terms of a hypothetical event, e.g. failing one’s exam: The terms “stable/unstable” refer to continuity → whether or not an event is likely to repeat itself. If o...