Managing Online School
Online school has been tough. Here are common struggles of online school: Forgetting about small assignments Putting off pre-recorded lectures Increased Digital Distraction I have experienced all of the above! Recognizing the unfortunate circumstances and future with Covid-19 and that in-person school is far away, I work on motivating myself to adapt more efficiently. Here are the methods that i’ve used to work through online school: Use a calendar! This sounds generic, but it’s actually quite helpful. In the past (and as a procrastinator), I tried to use them, but I kept forgetting to add school work and events. As a result, I gave up. Recently, I tried again, but by using an app - which worked better for me because i’m on my laptop more often. Since the prof’s for my courses released due dates at the beginning of the semester, I immediately added them, and so far - I've been on top of my work! However, I have missed a few quizzes because I missed a few ...